
News out of Australia: Workplace Falls Among Older Women

A recent study conducted by Monash University sheds light on the concerning trend of on-the-job falls, particularly among women aged 45 and older. With an expected increase in this demographic within the global workforce, employers and policymakers must understand the implications and take proactive measures to mitigate the risks associated with workplace falls. Let's delve into the key findings and recommendations highlighted in the study.

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Safeguard Your Vision: Workplace Eye Wellness Month

Every day, millions of workers around the world face potential risks to their vision while on the job. Workplace eye injuries are far too common, with approximately 18,500 incidents reported in the United States in 2020 alone. March brings with it Workplace Eye Wellness Month, a time to raise awareness about the importance of protecting our eyes in the workplace.

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Creating a Safe Working Environment in Cold Weather

Creating a safe work environment during cold weather is essential for the health and well-being of your employees. Our team has rounded up some essential tips and strategies for protecting employees who work in cold temperatures, as well as those who commute to a physical office in such conditions.

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Is your company employing the most effective strategies to guarantee the well-being of your lone workers?

According to EHS Today an estimated 15-20% of employees operate in solitary work environments. Who are these lone workers?

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Train Workers on Safe Work Practices in a Language They Understand: A Key to Enhanced Safety and Productivity

As a professional safety manager, one of the fundamental aspects of ensuring workplace safety is communicating effectively with your workforce. "We often have partners who have struggled in the past with multilingual safety training," says, Andrew Woods, OptiCare Connect's Chief Business Development Officer.

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The Long-Term Financial Impact of Workplace Injuries and the Importance of Effective Management

Workplace injuries are often perceived as short-term setbacks, but they can have long-lasting effects on the financial stability of your business.

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The Complexities of EMR Calculation: How Safety Affects Your Business Costs

Calculating the EMR involves a mix of various elements – from NCCI classification code rates and expected losses to industry averages.

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Navigating the Effect of Workplace Injuries on Your Experience Modification Rating (EMR)

Understanding how workplace injuries influence your Experience Modification Rating (EMR) is crucial for any business aiming to manage costs effectively.

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Revolutionizing Workplace Injury Management

Workplace injuries, resonate through your business's productivity, project timelines, employee morale, and most critically, your bottom line.

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